

I love cats. They have that "catitude" that is unmistakable. I found some really cute pictures on the net and wanted to post a few. You know, you don't own a cat, they own you! Hope this brings a little grin to you and I hope that all mothers out there have a wonderfully blessed Mother's Day. I lost my mother to Alzheimer's in 2002. I miss her terribly and I pray daily that a cure is found to wipe out this horrible disease. I know that she is looking down on me and smiling because she is no longer under the umbrella of such a cruel disease. She is whole again and with her heavenly Father. I look forward to the day that she greets me on the other side and we can share a loving embrace.

God bless you all and may you have a wonderful weekend.
Your sister in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tishira!

    I love cats too, although my cats sometimes drive me crazy! We have three of them, and they all have such different personalities.



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About Me

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I'm happily married to my best friend and soul mate. I have 2 awesome teen-aged boys I'm eternally grateful for. I love spending time with my family. I also love working with senior citizens and caring for them. I'm a former CNA. In the fall I hope to begin college to further my education in healthcare.